My Mentors are my grandma and my mom. My mom had an Acute Hemoragic stroke when I was in 4th grade. I did not realy know what was going on all I knew was that my mom was in the hospitle and my grandma was coming to visit for a while. The doctors originally told my family that she would never walk or talk again. While my mom was in the hospitle my grandma took over the role of mom, she and my grandpa moved in with us. My mom regained part of her speech after 6 months in rehab at the hospitle. The rehab specialist then told us that her progress was a miracle and she probably was not going to get any better and that we should put her in a nursing home. My dad fought the insurance company, because he wanted to put her in a more advanced rehab center, he eventually won. She became a patient at Center For Neuro Skills and improved to the point at which she could walk with a leg brace. My grandma taught me valuable life lessons, but my mom taught me preserverance and that there are some things worth fighting for. I know that if it wasn't for Gods blessing she would not be here today.
This is a very sweet tribute. I am sure she's very proud of you!