My quest is for God. I have always wanted to be closer to God, but I am seperated from him because of sin. I was raised in a christian home with christian values. These values have influenced my quest greatly. I am also on a quest for identity. I don't know who I realy am, I am still figuring it out. My quest, like many quests, is not always easy.
My quest is important to me because it is just that, my quest. The importance of my quest does not depend on how much others think my quest is important. My quest is for me to travel alone; if our paths cross, such as with many of you this year, then for that time we travel together but at some point it comes time for us to part. My quest is important to me because it gives me a reason to live, a goal to go for, and a destiny.
To fight that wich tries to stop me I will call apon my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. With his help I can acomplish anything. Obstacles make you stronger, though they are tough to deal with they do help you in one way or another. Sin is a major obstacle in my life. God forgives all all sin and he loves us. Another obstacle is doubt, I am constantly doubting myself. To conquer the obstacle of doubt I reasure myself with faith.
Part of my quest will end when I find who I truely am but the other part will only end when I die and go to live with whom I seek, God. My quest for identity is neat the end I am finding out who I am. My quest for God will not end till he calls me home to heaven.